
Welcome to Accounting & Economics

Accounting & Economics Subject Evening Recording

Our Accounting & Economics live stream is now over but click the video to view the recording!

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About Accounting

Sitting behind every successful business is a skilled accountant. Enter into a world of decision making, valued advice and vital perspective; as an accountant it isn’t just about numbers.

Throughout this A-level, you will learn underpinning principles; from recording financial transactions to measuring and evaluating business success.

Every business must ‘keep books’ and the AAT Bookkeeping qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to do this effectively. It will also allow you to progress onto higher AAT courses. This can be taken as an additional course alongside your three other A-levels.

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About Economics

Human beings have unlimited needs and desires, yet the resources available to us are limited. Economics is the study of how individuals, firms and governments make decisions when faced with this problem.

As an Economics student, you will study how resources are deployed; the decisions that individuals, families, organisations, authorities and governments have to make while utilising available resources, and how these decisions impact our lives.

You will look inside and out; applying principles learnt to national and global issues to understand how societies continue to move.

St Brendans Main Buildings

Entry Requirements

Both courses require you to have achieved 5 GCSE Grade 4s (or equivalent) including English Language.

A-level Accounting - additional entry requirements:

  • 6 in Maths GCSE

A-level Economics - additional entry requirements:

  • 5 in GCSE Maths. 5 in GCSE English Language
Jenny Glover

Jenny Glover

James Hannaford

James Hannaford

Meet Your Accounting & Economics Teachers

Our Accounting and Economics teachers have a wealth of industry expertise.

They come from a wide range of business and educational backgrounds, ensuring that you learn from real-world knowledge and experience.

Mason Bean Accounting 6

Accounting Student: Mason

"I enjoy Accounting as it involves maths, but applied into a real-world scenario.

Maintaining and calculating accounting problems can be related to every business and understanding how a firm organises and analyses its finances appeals to me.

Next year I have been offered a job on the Deloitte BrightStart programme for Audit (Financial Services)! I will be visiting clients and making sure their accounts are accurate."

Mason studied Accounting, Business and English Language

Alice Economics

Economics Student: Alice

"I chose to study Economics because of my interest in mathematics and how to apply it in a more practical sense. I came to love the theory of both macro and micro Economics.

During my time studying at St Brendan's, we were given the opportunity to travel to New York, which was an amazing experience and opened my eyes to how Economics is used in the wider world.

Next year, I hope to study Economics at Exeter University."

Alice studied Economics, Maths and Futher Maths

Lucy Roberts crop

Accounting & Economics Alumni: Lucy

After leaving St Brendan's, I went to Exeter University where I studied Business Economics with Industrial Experience. I spent my third year working in Corporate Finance at RSM where I was then offered a graduate role to begin upon the completion of my degree. After lots of hard work and many hours in the library, I achieved a First in my degree.

I have now been back working in Corporate Finance at RSM for three years and am one exam off completing my ACA qualification. I always used to tell Claire, my accounting teacher at St Brendan's, that I was never going to be an accountant! Look at me now.

In ten years’ time I hope to be working in a multinational company, probably in a big city, working my way up to being a CEO! Yes, it is a big dream, but I am determined to achieve it!

Lucy studied Accounting, Business, Economics and Maths


Take a look at these recordings from our previous Live Events.

Hear our subject specialists talk about different aspects of the courses and answering questions from other students interested in studying Accounting and Economics at St Brendan's.

Virtual Open Event A-level Accounting

Accounting FAQs

NEW Open Day Subject Presentation for Economics

Economics FAQs

Careers & Courses Accounting & Economics Students Progress To...

Accounting and Economics students from St Brendan's progress to a wide range of university courses and apprenticeships.

Every year our dedicated Careers Teams arrange Careers Fairs and sector-specific events for students to explore all of their options. They also arrange talks from industry experts and St Brendan's Alumni.

Throughout your time at St Brendan's, the Careers Team door is always open for one-to-one appointments and advice and guidance.

Use the Pathways tool below to explore various progression routes to numerous careers through Higher Education courses and Apprenticeships.

Are You Ready?

Shape your future and apply to St Brendan's now!