Yeshi kangrang 14 Rq N Pm D Ono unsplash

Join us for an evening of advice and information!

Helping you to support your young person with their next steps.

Thursday May 4th 2023, 6pm to 8.30pm

The evening will include a rolling programme of talks as well as stands in our café for you to ask questions.

Each talk will last 20 minutes with a 5 min Q&A. Sessions will be repeated throughout the evening at 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30 and 8:00 pm.

Feel free to arrive at 5:30 pm and help yourself to refreshments in Café Max.

Book your place on a session here
Student Finance
UCAS and the Process at St Brendan's
The Benefits of Work Experience and the Process at St Brendan's
Choosing a University and Course
Apprenticeship Awareness

Student Finance

Join this talk to find out the facts about student finance, loans, bursaries and scholarships.

Click here for further information about student finance

The UCAS Process at St Brendan's

Join this talk to find out how your young person will apply to university while at St Brendan's

Click here for further information about completing a UCAS application


Join this talk to find out about apprenticeships including the extremely sought after degree apprenticehsips

Click here for further information about apprenticeships

Choosing a University and Course

Join this talk for top tips and advice about how to support your young person to write a successful personal statement

Click here for further information on how to choose a university and course